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O autorech

Lenka Jakubčíková

>>>some texts and translations

I study at grammar in Klatovy, now I’m in fifth year. I am interested in natural sciences- in particular mathematics and physics; I enjoy foreign languages, music and dance. I like algebraic equations, sheep and Dostoyevsky; I hate laziness and orange juice.


Tomáš Jirotka

>>>web pages, some texts and translations

I'm only an ordinary student from Klatovy, who is interested in physics, math, computers and Internet. For the second year I study the grammar-school, I solve physical olympiade and globally I exist with the physics. I look after the and some regional projects (like

Email: jirotka(at)fyzika(dot)net

Viktor Kadlec

>>>basic observer, some texts and translations


Miroslav Panoš

>>>complaisant educator

Email: mpanos(at)gymkt(dot)cz

Kryštof Touška

>>>documentalist, all sorts of things, but nothing at all

Originate and heart in Prague, but pulled away to the west of the Czech Republic. Very lazy(but Lenka doesn't know it yet :) Author of some web sites and some vypracování of physical and mathematical olympiads.

Email: excite(at)sendme(dot)cz

© 2004 Fyzikální sekce, Gymnázium Jaroslava Vrchlického Klatovy, Česká republika