English Version
Venus Transit 2004 in Klatovy, CZ
Welcome to Gymnazium Jaroslava Vrchlickeho Klatovy web pages, which are interested in the transit of the Venus before the Sun disc.
This pages prepared a few keen students of the school as a project of the competition for the best web pages about the Venus Transit 2004, which is declared by the British Council in Prague.
But the observation of that unique phenomenon was our aim too. Below you can read about our results.
In that matter we would like to thank all the employees of the Observatory in Rokycany, especially Mr. Karel Halíř, who taked up us and explained us all we need, further we thank our Mr. teacher Miroslav Pano on his mounting, Mr. teacher Pavel Hladký, the administrator of the school web server and all teachers, who achieved the corrections.
this pages are otherwise only static as a competitive project, but we suppose also theirs sequential updating and expansion at vt-2004.fyzika.net/en.